Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014

Hello May‘14

Hi everyone,

Can you believe that we have reached May now?! I don’t!! Christmas still felt like ‘yesterday’ for me… It scares me that time is running so fast.

From now, at the beginning of every month, I’d like to start a post by starting my roughly plans for the month.

My plans/ goals for Mai:
  • Selling my items, during my wardrobe clearance last month, on eBay;
  • No more procrastination: job hunting (!!);
  • Trying to blog at least 3times per week (~12 posts for this month incl. this one);
  • Watching news everyday (it’s embarrassing to add this; but I recently always forget to do this, hence, I need get back into this habit)
  • Completing these courses “Strategic Management”, “Negotiation and Conflict Resolution” and “Marketing”;
  • Start & Finish the book “Brave New Wold” by Aldous Huxley.
I would be over the moon if I can tick them all off, especially since my week-ends for this month are almost filled out with parties *lol* Luckily, there are two bank holidays :)
How was April for you? What are your plans/ goals for this month?

Lisa xoxo

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