Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014

Note to Myself: Reminisce of Newcastle #1

It’s so hot here in Berlin and I already miss the weather in Newcastle. I won’t trust my own words for saying this – but, it’s true. When I was in Newcastle I missed the summer – cos it barely reaches the temperature above 20°C there.
Currently, it shows on my phone 26°C in Berlin and it simply feels humid and “unbearable”. Maybe I spent too much time in the North East part of the UK.

I don’t know when the next time I will be in Newcastle again. I am sure I will visit it but I won’t live in this city again. It is a nice city – I definitely don’t regret to spend the last few years in this city. I have met so many interesting people from almost all walks of life and it definitely has changed my personality in some ways (somehow)…
The first time I heard about Newcastle was back in 2010 – phew – how quick time flies. Back then, I was looking for a postgraduate school for my Masters’ degree.
On my list were only: London, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh and Glasgow. When a friend introduced me to the city called Newcastle and it somehow has caught my attention. Application went smooth and I got my place for 2011/12. #yeah
The one year Master program was very intense but I really like it. Totally different teaching system from what I know in Germany. There were of course ups and downs – but overall I won’t mind to go back.
My Graduation Ceremony, 2012
After uni I wouldn’t think I would stay in Newcastle. However, I got a job offer. My first real job and that’s in the UK. *haha*

I will be forever thankful for this opportunity, even though I won’t miss (at the moment) any of my tasks. I know that some people would be jealous if I tell them what my task or the company I worked with is… in my last weeks at work I trained my replacement – and she was so of passion “Oh – I totally loved it. Always wanted to do something with fashion and beauty and that’s in a PR agency”. But this passion – I have lost it over the time. Same with city. Hence, it was only a logical step for me to move on. To try something different... 
However, I would have never imagined that this next step would take me to the other side of the world in about few weeks time.
The World is My Oyster :)
I am really excited since I have so many plans that I want to put into action – also career wise. 

I really look forward to this new challenge and all the new people that I will meet. But most of all to spend time with my family and relatives. Life has taught me that no matter where in this world you are. No matter how wonderful your friends or your significant other half is, no one can replace the family bond. And I surely have tasted in the past few years all the taste that life could offer... *lol*
I will miss Newcastle and all the wonderful people that I have met. I will cherish this memory and will take it with me wherever I will be in this world.
Life is so full of excitement and we all shall be thankful for each new day and the opportunity that is given to us to make each day better.
Lisa xoxo
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