Montag, 17. März 2014

Music Monday #11

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone Open-mouthed smile

Hope week-end was nice & good. For me it went too fast (again). Week-ends should be 5 days, and the business weeks should be 2 days!!
I am sure ppl would be more productive if the business days are shorten down *hehe* Smile with tongue out
I feel like I have been neglecting my blog recently again – there are actually so many things that I want to document… it feels for me recently that I should “rename” my blog to Music Monday *lol* at least this post keeps me blogging each week once. I’ll post this week a new post (but not sure – if it will be back-dated or not…). I truly admire all those bloggers, who are able to keep their blog always up-to-date, besides, being a full-time student/ employee & having a social life etc.

Anyway, today’s Music Monday will be an Irish band… Gosh, there are so many to choose from… Thinking smile

However, this week’s choice goes to Breathless by The Corrs (it’s been a very long time since I heard it last time). NoteNoteNoteSo go on, go on · Come on and leave me breathless…NoteNoteNote Enjoy!
Lisa xoxo

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