Montag, 13. Januar 2014

Music Monday #2

As mentioned in my last week’s post that each Monday, I’ll introduce a song to you – some songs might be familiar (mainstreams) but some might be a bit exotic? Music is a universal language, hence; don’t expect only to hear English songs from my song choice. As I said – why I called it Music Monday – because I know that for some of us (incl. me) Mondays can be a bit daunting. However, we should see it in a positive way – like a fresh new start into a new week, therefore, I’ll also add every Monday a quote to keep the start into the new week more motivated and inspired.
Anyway, my choice for this week goes to MUSIC by Madonna NoteNoteNote Music lets the people come together NoteNoteNote
Enjoy! & Happy Monday everyone!
Lisa xoxo

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