Montag, 7. April 2014

Music Monday #14

This is my first post for this month clip_image002 Can’t believe that I’m behind blogging (again). I need to keep up (either with scheduled posts or back-dated post) as otherwise my blog will look pretty empty for this month… In about 9 days I will be on holiday!! clip_image004 However, with limited access to the internet… clip_image006

Anyway, today’s song choice goes to As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys – long long time (back to primary school time). One of my friends went to see their concert last week-end, which suddenly brought me back childhood memories.
clip_image008clip_image008[1]clip_image008[2] I don't care who you are · where you're from · what you did · as long as you love me… clip_image008[3]clip_image008[4]clip_image008[5] Enjoy!

Lisa xoxo

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